Governmental Organizations

At Haynsworth Sinkler Boyd, we have represented virtually every type of South Carolina governmental organization, including the State of South Carolina and its agencies and institutions, counties, municipalities, school districts, special purpose districts, hospitals and joint agencies.

Our team of governmental lawyers have broad and deep experience in the entire range of legal challenges that face these organizations, including the Freedom of Information Act, intergovernmental agreements, permitted investments, public-private partnerships (P3s), development regulations, utility billing and procedures and budgetary matters.


  • Drafted and negotiated numerous development and inducement agreements, either on a standalone basis or as part of a public infrastructure financing
  • Drafted and implemented FOIA policies that address open meetings requirements, response to FOIA requests, executive session parameters and preparation and retention of minutes
  • Created and advised multiple joint action agencies and prepared intergovernmental agreements to guide the operation and management of such agencies
  • Advised multiple clients on permitted investments under State law, including with respect to GASB 45 compliance and to complicated interest-rate exposure management practices
  • Drafted and negotiated utility billing methodologies, including complex cost of service arrangements, and participated in significant litigation over cost of service billing practices
  • Advised on budgetary matters, including notice requirements, compliance with millage cap limitations, compensation of elected officials and interfund transfer policies
  • Advised local governments on computer use and record retention policies